Aerial Drone Inspection
Aerial drone Inspection Solarif Risk Management offers advanced services related to aerial data acquisition, image processing, image analysis and data presentation in a high resolution, actionable web-based platform, powered by Sitemark. Using both thermal and visual high-definition imagery, Solarif Risk Management reduces operating costs and increases the energy production as well as monitor every solar […]
Optimize energy yield and increase ROI with DeepSolar™ software
Your solar power installation may perform considerably lower than is technically feasible. Raycatch has developed DeepSolar ™, a software tool that analyzes Big Data using machine learning algorithms. On the basis of data from your installation, return-related statistics of your installation are presented. This includes energy loss due to incorrect wiring, corrosion, pollution, poor soldering, […]
DeepSolar Software
Optimize energy yield and increase ROI with DeepSolar™ software Your solar asset portfolio may be performing significantly below capacity due to equipment malfunction, soiled solar panels, higher-than-expected panel degradation or other issues. With ROI-driven operational insights based on existing plant data, you can respond to problems quickly, maximizing yield and profit. AI diagnostics on existing […]
New Certificate for Suzhou Akcome Optronics
The list of manufacturers with the Solarif Certified label has been expanded with AKCOME in China. The certification is valid for one year. On our website you can find more information about all certified PV manufacturers and their certified products. You can also find information about previously certified manufacturers an prodcucts.
New Certificate for Haitai New Energy
The list of manufacturers with the Solarif Certified label has been expanded with Haitai New Energy in China. The certification is valid for one year. On our website you can find more information about all certified PV manufacturers and their certified products. You can also find information about previously certified manufacturers an prodcucts.
Solarif has expanded its first technical commissioning inspection
Solarif Risk Management has expanded its services and recently had the first technical commissioning inspection carried out! A technical commissioning inspection is an independent check on the quality of your grid-connected solar installation. With a technical commissioning inspection you can detect damage, installation errors and manufacturing errors. This offers certainty and confidence for the quality […]
White paper – Why use Solarif certified panels
Why use Solarif-certified panels insteadof Non-certified panels? Introduction Globally, growth in the photovoltaic (PV) sector has experienced a significant increase in the past decade. This growth reflects the wide acceptance of photovoltaics as a clean and sustainable source of energy and continues to grow at a fast pace, consequently increasing the popularity world-wide. This popularity […]
PV Quality Control
PV Quality Control With quality audits, provided by Solarif Risk Management, the number of problems are reduced to a minimum and are cut from the production process. An intensification of the number of inline audits decreases the potential problems that can arise during operation. The in-line quality inspection consists of testing and flashing randomly selected […]
PV Quality Inspections
PV Quality Inspections Today’s fierce competition in the photovoltaic (PV) industry has led/forced PV manufacturers to gradually under-price their products and disregard constant quality management. These compromises will thus negatively affect the overall quality of the photovoltaic (PV) modules long-term functionality. During Quality Assurance, Solarif’s Risk Management team ensures that the quality of primary materials […]
Solarif certifies first Turkish panel factory Zahit Enerji
On may 17th 2016, Solarif certified the first panel factory situated in Turkey. Zahit Enerji, and their Solarfield panels, conveniently passed the risk assessment, and have thus proven its quality and financial strength.